
RATP Dev USA started services in 2023 at GoDurham. Our challenge was to restore service levels to pre-pandemic status. GoDurham reduced service starting in 2021 to 80% of full service schedule due to serious labor shortage impacts.


40-foot buses


electric buses


annual ridership


Starting in August of 2023 RATPDev committed to restoring service to 100% of budgeted service (or pre-pandemic) levels, starting in January of 2024. The challenge was immense, however, by utilizing new technologies and methodologies provided by RATPDev USA, we were able to rapidly staff up, engage and retain sufficient operator new hire levels to fulfill our commitment and even grow the service in preparation for service enhancement and increases starting in April of 2024.


GoDurham currently operates 8 electric vehicles. The service will see an increase of 18 more electric vehicles to be delivered in the next 4 years.


The GoDurham team averages 2 to 3 public engagement events per month, so they are very busy interacting with the community and sharing the great GoDurham opportunity and service.


Several key performance indicators are very noteworthy at GODurham: We maintain our buses with the highest standard in mind and complete all preventative maintenance inspections 100% on time every month. Our ridership productivity per passenger trip is higher than 99% of the systems operating in North Carolina at 30 to 33 passenger boardings per revenue hour and more than 5 million passenger trips annually. We also maintain strong on time performance at 83% system-wide average.

Doug Middleton

I work with the most passionate and professional group of people a person could hope to work with. GoDurham is world class! 

Doug Middleton
General Manager, GoDurham, 6+ years