“How do you pronounce it?”

“Could you say your company name again?”

Those are common questions when we introduce ourselves to prospects or at events or, when we work with clients, or talk with partners. Hey, we get it. Outside of the US, our brand is readily seen and commonly recognized.  Not so, as often, in the U.S. market and the acronym, let’s face it, can be a bit tricky. So, just for the record, it’s “R-A-T-P Dev USA.”

But all kidding aside, while our name may be a bit of a mouthful, we wanted to take a few minutes to discuss what’s really important -- our seven core pillars of success – which are at the heart of ‘who we are’ as a service provider.

As we continue to expand across the country, we consistently abide by our core pillars of success for public transit to ensure we always offer the best possible service and sustainable mobility to our clients and our communities. Looking at the graphic, you can see that innovation is the foundation on which our core pillars stand. This is because we are perpetually striving to find and offer new and innovative methods to achieve excellence in each category.

Our corporate mission is to “provide excellence” in everything we do from maintenance to operations to training while adhering to the highest standards of safety, global expertise and customer service. Here’s a bit more insight into each of the pillars that make RATP Dev USA a leader and innovator in the field of public transportation.

  • Safety and Security:  Safety is our top priority. We work hard every day to protect the riding public, and we are diligent about staying up-to-date on all of the FTA’s rules and regulations. RATP Dev USA’s Safety Management System (SMS), drive2zero™ is designed to prioritize safety in the workplace and to integrate a safety culture into each transit agency.
  • Maintenance:  Make no mistake about it, RATP Dev USA’s maintenance teams are the best in the industry. They consistently win state and national titles in Maintenance Roadeos!  At our agencies, we don’t wait for something to go wrong; we take a preemptive approach. We have a solid Preventative Maintenance Program and Continuous Improvement Plan that keep our vehicles in top shape.
  • Operations: In modern society, “transit” can refer to a multitude of modes of travel and includes things like on-demand technology, real-time data, and mobility on demand. As technology advances, transit is changing as well. That’s why RATP Dev USA isn’t just staying abreast of the advances, but is actually paving the way in the move toward integrated mobility.  We believe that any rider can reach any destination. Take a look at RATP Dev Orbyt, our technology framework that takes an innovative approach to connect riders, operators and the community.
  • Community Involvement and Sustainability:  Our motto is: Think Local. Leverage Global. Our parent company, RATP Group, started the RATP Foundation to help provide the communities we serve with access to culture, education, and careers. In May 2018, RATP Dev USA leveraged that global experience to launch a community outreach program called We Move People. Through We Move people, our employees serve our client communities.  Our program theme is dedicated to Community Beautification, Corporate Sponsorships, and Charitable Giving. We are dedicated to providing access to transit for all.
  • Management Plan:  At RATP Dev USA, we believe in our employees. That’s why we started GOO, a fun acronym for a program called Grow Our Own. Through this program, we invest in our employees and train them to become future leaders and managers.
  • Training: No transit agency can be successful without a comprehensive training program.  At RATP Dev USA, we provide the resources necessary to make sure every employee can safely, successfully, and compassionately transport members of the public.
  • Customer Focus:  No matter what we do – whether it’s starting a new facility, transitioning a client to RATP Dev USA, or helping an existing client implement new strategies -- we remain always client focused. It is our key philosophy to look at any system, or activity from the outside in.  Putting ourselves in the passenger’s seat.  Ensuring that we provide the highest level of customer satisfaction.

Your brand is our brand, and it’s a commitment we don’t take lightly.

If you would like to learn more about “Who We Are,” reach out to marketing.nabus@ratpdev.com. We’d be happy to share more about R-A-T-P Dev USA as well as our strategic efforts to always provide excellence by implementing our core pillars of success into a seamless integrated transportation network.

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